Friday, April 7, 2023

40 Days

Erik Gray's Journals/Computer files

Houston University Branch

40 Days Closer to Christ


Welcome to the 40 Days Closer to Christ Program.  We hope that this will aid in your personal scripture study as you seek to come closer to your Savior.  As you read and ponder each scripture, it may help you to write down a few thoughts in a journal. 


Day 1


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 11:12-14


Thought for the day: “Character is the ability to carry out a decision after the emotion of making the decision is past.”


Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 1-10


Mark and Ponder: 1 Nephi 3:7

Day 2


Scriptural thought  for the day: D&C 50:29-30


Thought for the day: “Faith is a gift of God; it is the fruitage of righteous living.  It does not come to us by our command but is the result of doing the will of our Heavenly Father.”

-  George A. Smith


Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 11-15


Mark and Ponder: 1 Nephi 15:34

Day 3


Scriptural thought for the day: Matthew 4:3-4


Thought for the day: “Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you chose them as your guide, and following them ,you reach your destiny.”

- Carl Schurtz


Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 16-18


Mark and Ponder: 1 Nephi 19:23

Day 4


Scriptural thought for the day: Matthew 21:21

Thought for the day: “The best way to get rested is to speed up.  When we get ahead of our work, we love it and it becomes easy.  When it gets ahead of us, we hate it and it becomes difficult.  A winner at the end of a race is never tired; he’s ready to go again.  The tired business man is the man whose business is not successful.”


Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 19 – 2 Nephi 1

Mark and Ponder: 2 Nephi 2:11

Day 5


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 121:45-46


Thought for the day: “Faith is a divine gift to all men to receive, if only their attitude and life will permit it’s reception.”


Scripture Study: 2 Nephi 2-6


Mark and Ponder: 2 Nephi 2:25

Day 6


Scriptural thought for the day: Deuteronomy 30:19-20


Thought for the day: “Where one door shuts, another opens.  We come to an end amd find a beginning.  Often we worry about arriving at an end with too little faith in what follows.”

- Don Quixote


Scripture Study: 2 Nephi 7-11


Mark and Ponder: 2 Nephi 2:27

Day 7


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 76:9-10


Thought for the day: “To believe only possibilities is no faith but mere philosophy”

– Sir Thomas Brown


Scripture Study: 2 Nephi 12-21


Mark and Ponder: 2 Nephi 9:28-29


Are you still on target?  Go back to the definition of character on day 1 and recommit yourself as neeeded.

Day 8


Scriptural thought for the day: 1 John 5:3


Thought for the day: “We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; in feelings, not figures on a dial.  We should count time by heart throbs.  He most lives who thinks most – feels the noblest – acts the best.”


Scripture Study: 2 Nephi 22-33


Mark and Ponder: 2 Nephi 28:8-9



Day 9


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 39:20-23


Thought for the day: “The success of our work is determined by the number of true converts we lead into baptism.”


Scripture Study: Jacob 1-5


Mark and Ponder: 2 Nephi 31:13

Day 10


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 82:10


Thought for the day: “My faith is, when we have done all we can, then the lord is under obligation, and will not disappoint the faithful; he will perform the rest.”

- Brigham Young


Scripture Study: Jacob 6-Omni


Mark and Ponder: 2 Nephi 31:20

Day 11


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 18:18-19


Thought for the day: “The faithful will exercise faith and pray always for all who are in reach of the Lord, the God desire good to all..”

- Brigham Young


Scripture Study: Words of Mormon – Mosiah 3


Mark and Ponder: 2 Nephi 32:8-9



Go the extra mile this week in your church assignments.  Find out how the people you home or visit teach are doing, and discover what you can do to make their lives easier.  Find a way to magnify your other callings that you hadn’t considered before.

Day 12


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 75:3,5


Thought for the day: “ The happiness of a man (or woman) does not consist in the abscence but in the mastery of his passions.”

- Alfred Lord Tennyson


Scripture Study: Mosiah 4-9


Mark and Ponder: Jacon 2:18-19

Day 13


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 38:40-41


Thought for the day: “Successful people always do more than they are expected to do.”


Scripture Study: Mosiah 10-15


Mark and Ponder: Mosiah 2:17

Day 14


Scriptural thought for the day: 1 Corinthians 2:14-15


Thought for the day: “Seek not for greatness, but for truth, and you will find both.”


Scripture Study: Mosiah 16-22


Mark and Ponder: Mosiah 3:19


Do you have a current temple recommend?  Even unendowed members can carry a limited use recommend.

Day 15


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 50: 19-20


Thought for the day: “In our ante-mortal state, we walked by sight.  Then we knew God.  We lived with him.  He was our Father, our teacher.  This earth life is intended as a place where we might learn to walk just a little way by faith.”

- Sterling W. Still


Scripture Study: Mosiah 23-29


Mark and Ponder: Mosiah 4:27



Study from the topical guide and other reference materials all you can on the subject of CHARITY.  Use the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price as primary references.  Find ways to be more charitable to those in your life.


Day 16


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 59: 9-11


Thought for the day: “ A great deal has been said about giving your life for the work, not in death but in living day by day.  It is so easy sometimes to die; it is hard sometimes to live the principles for which we stand...I believe it is far more important to live for our faith than to die for our faith.”

- Mark E. Petersen


Scripture Study: Alma 1-5


Mark and Ponder: Mosiah 4:30

Day 17


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 38:40-41


Thought for the day: “Implied faith and confidence in God is for you and me to do everything we can to sustain and preserve ourselves; and the community that works together, heart and hand, to accomplish this, their efforts will be like the efforts of one man. – Brigham Young


Scripture Study: Alma 6-10


Mark and Ponder: Alma 4:10

Day 18


Scriptural thought for the day: Romans 1:16


Thought for the day: “Are you full of faith?  You can tell whether I am or not by looking at me.  You can tell whether the Brethren who have been speaking to you are full of faith in the gospoel by the look of their countenances.  You can see this if there is not a word spoken.”

 - Brigham Young


Scripture Study: Alma 11-14


Mark and Ponder: Alma 5:14

Day 19


Scriptural thought for the day: Acts 5:32


Thought for the day: “Faith comes by hearing the words of God, through the testimony of the servants of God; that testimony is always atended by the Spirit of propecy and revelation.”

- Joseph Smith


Scripture Study: Alma 15-19


Mark and Ponder: Alma 5:46

Day 20


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 112:34


Thought for the day: “The degree of faith possessed by any man depends not upon the extent of his knowledge, but on the certainty of his knowledge, which leads its possesor to works corresponding to his knowledge.”

- Joseph Smith


Scripture Study: Alma 20-24


Mark and Ponder: Alma 11:40

Day 21


Scriptural thought for the day:

2 Corinthians 3:18


Thought for the day: “The assurance of resurrection gives us the strength and perspective to endure the mortal challenges faced by each of us and by those we love. Because of the resurrection, we know that these mortal deficiencies are only temporary!”

- Dallin H. Oaks


Scripture Study: Alma 25-29


Mark and Ponder: Alma 11:43

Day 22


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 15:6


Thought for the day: “It is faith in the commands of the Almighty, and our responsibility as his covenant children, the knowledge that God lives and loves his children, and the conviction that it is our mission to build and save men everywhere.”

-Ezra Taft Benson


Scripture Study: Alma 30-36


Mark and Ponder: Alma 30:60

Day 23


Scriptural thought for the day: Hebrews 11:1


Thought for the day: “Faith is a gift of God and comes to each and all of us who serve God and supplicate Him for the guidance of His Spirit.  By doing our duty, faith increases until it becomes perfect knowledge."

-Heber J. Grant


Scripture Study: Alma 37-41


Mark and Ponder: Alma 32:21

Day 24


Scriptural thought for the day: James 5:16


Thought for the day: “Satan wants us to be miserable as he is. And he knows that we can only have that true happiness if we are washed clean through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, by deep and continuing repentance.”

- Henry B. Eyring


Scripture Study: Alma 42-44


Mark and Ponder: Alma 34:32-34

Day 25


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 64:33


Thought for the day: “It is so likewise with evil things. Small acts of dishonesty, small acts of an immoral nature, small outbursts of anger can grow into great and terrible things.”

- Gordon B. Hinckley


Scripture Study: Alma 42-44


Mark and Ponder: Alma 37:6-7

Day 26


Scriptural thought for the day: James 1:5-6


Thought for the day: “The world wil turn aside for the young man who knows where he is going.”


Scripture Study: Alma 51-54


Mark and Ponder: Alma 37:35-37



Study from the topical guide and other reference materials all you can on the subject of FAITH.  Use the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price as primary references.  Ponder your own faith in light of what you’ve discovered and seek to make it stronger.

Day 27

Scriptural thought for the day:

2 Nephi 28: 21-22


Thought for the day: “Who are we going to believe in our search for happiness and well-being? Will it be Satan, the author of all lies and deceit, whose single objective is to destroy us? Or are we going to believe a loving Heavenly Father, who is the source of all truth and happiness, whose sole objective is rewarding us with His eternal love and joy?”

- Richard C. Edgley


Scripture Study: Alma 55-58


Mark and Ponder: Alma 41:10-11

Day 28


Scriptural thought for the day: Matthew 23:25-26


Thought for the day: “We may compare favorably with those who bear obvious signs of sin, because many of our foibles remain private and hidden. Then, following condemnation of the designated villain, we see no need to work on our own imperfections that seem to have diminished into insignificance.

- Mark D. Chamberlain


Scripture Study: Alma 59-63


Mark and Ponder: Alma 60:23

Day 29

Scriptural thought for the day: Matthew 7:24-27


Thought for the day: “If our house is built upon a rock with the brick and mortar of good works, it will withstand the storms and perils of life and preserve us for an eternal inheritance hereafter. If it is built upon the sands of evil with the rusty nails and rotting timber of carnal things, it will be destroyed.”

- Bruce R. McConkie


Scripture Study: Helaman 1-9


Mark and Ponder: Helaman 5:12

Day 30


Scriptural thought for the day: Mosiah 24:15-16


Thought for the day: “Faith in God cannot of course be other than personal.  It must be yours; it must be mine; and to be effective, must spring from the mind and heart.  Every man will do well to pray with Emerson: O God make me willing to do thy will.”

- David O. McKay


Scripture Study: Helaman 10-14


Mark and Ponder: Helaman 10:4-5

Day 31

Scriptural thought for the day: Luke 24:39-40


Thought for the day: “We have the witness of the Book of Mormon; we also have the declarations of the Prophet Joseph Smith from his experience that both the Father and the Son have bodies of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s.”

- Richard D. Draper


Scripture Study: Helaman 15 –

3 Nephi 4


Mark and Ponder: 3 Nephi 11:14-15

Day 32


Scriptural thought for the day: Matthew 5:25


Thought for the day: “Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention. … Better give your path to a dog than be bitten by him.”

- Abraham Lincoln


Scripture Study: 3 Nephi 5-10


Mark and Ponder: 3 Nephi 11:29



Next Fast Sunday strive to fast and pray for a spiritual experience that you may not be living so as to be able to receive.  Pray for a change of heart and the ability to repent and forsake whatever sin might be plagueing you.

Day 33


Scriptural thought for the day: Matthew 5:48


Thought for the day: “We may not achieve our ideals in a day, but like stars, they serve to guide us on our way.”


Scripture Study: 3 Nephi 11-16


Mark and Ponder: 3 Nephi 12:48

Day 34


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 115:4


Thought for the day: “Surely every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord is precious. So each word in this name must be important—divinely designated for a reason.”

- Russel M. Nelson


Scripture Study: 3 Nephi 17-21


Mark and Ponder: 3 Nephi 27:8

Day 35


Scriptural thought for the day:

2 Corinthians 7:9-10


Thought for the day: “The gospel plan is the plan by which men are brought to a fulness of joy. This is the first concept I wish to stress: The gospel principles are the steps and guidelines that will help us find true happiness and joy.”

- Ezra Taft Benson


Scripture Study: 3 Nephi 22-29


Mark and Ponder: Mormon 2:13-14

Day 36


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 12:8


Thought for the day: “How prudently most men sink into nameless graves, while now and then a few forget themselves into immortality”

- William Jennings Bryan


Scripture Study: 4 Nephi – Mormon 8


Mark and Ponder: Ether 12:27

Day 37


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 101:38


Thought for the day: “Jesus will not be found by crusades of men. Jesus will not be found in councils of debate. The formula for finding Jesus has always been and ever will be the same—the earnest and sincere prayer of a humble and pure heart.

- Thomas S. Monson


Scripture Study: Mormon 9 – Ether 3


Mark and Ponder: Ether 12:41

Day 38


Scriptural thought for the day:

1 Corinthians 1:9-10


Thought for the day: “We all have an inner braking system that will stop us before we follow Satan too far down the wrong road. It is the still, small voice which is within us. But once we have succumbed, our stopping mechanism becomes weak and ineffective.” - James E. Faust


Scripture Study: Ether 4-10


Mark and Ponder: Moroni 7:16-17



Study from the topical guide and other reference materials all you can on the subject of CHANGE.  Use the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price as primary references.  Have you received the “mighty change” in yourself since you have been “lengthening your stride”?

Day 39


Scriptural thought for the day: D&C 29:46-47


Thought for the day: “Little children shall be saved. They are alive in Christ and shall have eternal life. For them the family unit will continue, and the fulness of exaltation is theirs. No blessing shall be withheld. They shall rise in immortal glory, grow to full maturity, and live forever in the highest heaven of the celestial kingdom.” - Bruce R. McConkie


Scripture Study: Ether 11-15


Mark and Ponder: Moroni 8:9-12

Day 40


Scriptural thought for the day: Matthew 7:7-8


Thought for the day: “All great ages have been ages of belief.  I mean when there was any extraordinary power of performance, when great national movemens began, when arts appeared, when heroes existed, when poems were made, the human soul was in earnest.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson


Scripture Study: Moroni 1-10


Mark and Ponder: Moroni 10:4-5

Final Challenge!


Look back over the last 40 days.  Have you felt yourself come closer to Christ as you have read his teachings? Ponder his love for you, and his role in your life.  As you do, remember all that he sacrificed for you in order for you to return and be with him and our Father for eternity.


Now that you have completed this 40-day study program, we hope that you have gained the knowledge and confidence necessary to share what you have learned with someone who does not have the blessings of the Gospel in their life.


Houston University Branch

Relief Society Presidency


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