Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Erik Gray's journals


a youth speaker talk for Sacarament meeting

written by Erik, September 20, 2009 (3 months before cancer diagnosis)


                                                            Erik Gray. 9/20

The topic I’ve been asked to speak on today is found in D&C 87:8, which reads: “Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved.” When I first thought about this topic, there are two parts in it. The first is to  “stand ye in holy places.”

Sister Sharon G. Larsen, Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, had a talk printed in the July 2002 Liahona, titled: “Standing in Holy Places”. I would like to read the opening 4 paragraphs from her talk.



             When we are in holy places, we are protected from the almost overwhelming commotion of the world. The prophet Moroni was surrounded by wickedness and the Lamanites waiting to kill anything in their path. He was alone in hiding for almost 20 years. Wow, that is such a long period of loneliness! But from his testimony and counsel in the last few chapters of the Book of Mormon tell us he was in the company of angels and the Holy Ghost. He was not alone.

            Sometimes when we are supposed by people, even our friends, who are making the wrong choices, sometimes we have to stand alone. I’d like to read another excerpt from Sister Larson’s talk


             Temples are probably the most holy places on the Earth today. I am not old enough to go through the temple, but from the opportunities I have had to do baptisms for the dead, the feelings from being inside the temple are the greatest there is.

             The second part of my topic is to “be not moved”. For the last two years I have had the opportunity to attend a week-long program called “Especially For Youth” or EFY. The theme for EFY 2008 was to “be steadfast and immovable.” The theme, being found in Mosiah 5:15, reads this.

 READ MOSIAH 5:15 Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all. Amen.

             What does being immovable mean? To keep our standards, and to not give in to temptation. One of my friends came up with an analogy to “be not moved” against temptation. Here’s her story.

            Being 15, my friend had her permit. After a track meet in St. George, she got to drive with her dad being in the front seat. While coming home on the freeway, she said that out of nowhere, a deer jumped onto the road, her dad helped her swerve out of the way, but the black Expedition rolled. Except for a couple scratches, bruises and some stitches, my friend and her parents were fine.

            Now how does this apply to being immovable? The answer, my friend said, is wearing your seat belt! Your seat belt is holding your standards high, following them, and being immovable against them. When temptation, or the crash, comes along, your seat belt keeps you safe against the temptation. If she hadn’t been wearing her seat belt, she could’ve been severely injured. If we don’t have standards set, we can be easily moved.

            I’d like to close with my testimony. 

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