Friday, December 7, 2018

It's about the Heart / TWO sheets

Erik Gray's journals
written July 17, 2015

....After I left the temple , I went to Costco to pick up some food/groceries for mom and Brooke, most of which to use this Sunday!  I spent about an hour, or more in there! :)  I also started talking to a lady who was doing the samples.  She asked me what happened to my neck and I told her.  She told me about how it's not about appearance, it's about the heart.  I told her to look up Stephanie Nielson (Nie-Nie-plane crash/burn survivor).  We talked about religious stuff for a little bit....

.....When I came home, I read/skimmed through my mission journal and emails, and wrote a list of all the blessings I've had or seen during my mission.  I got TWO sheets (front and back), and I didn't even get everything down!!