Saturday, March 7, 2020

Building a Loft

Erik Gray's Journals

.....While choosing a project, I wanted to make sure that it would have lasting benefits, and that it would be enjoyed by many people for many years.

When looking for a project, I decided to check things out the Family Support Center of Southwestern Utah. This place offers many services for families and children.....

......I finally came down to the decision of building a loft inside the house in their main room. The room is filled with toys and games for children to play with, but one of the things it needed was the loft.....

    I learned a couple things from this service project. First of all, serving others provides one of the best feelings in the world, at least for me. I love to help people out. The ones who benefit from the service also have a great feeling inside, and are grateful for the time that someone took out of their day to help. Secondly, everything needs careful planning, leadership, and having everything kept in order- even something as small as a little construction. Naturally, life would be a mess if no one ever took charge and if things were never in order. The third and final thing I learned is that I need to be grateful for the things that I have. Some kids aren’t as lucky as others, their family may be unstable or they may be suffering in some other areas. We need to embrace the people and things that we have, and put an arm around those who aren’t so well off. We need to love those around us, and always be willing to give an extra hand to those who truly need it.