Monday, March 25, 2013

Blessings Past, Present, and Yet to Come

"For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand." (D&C 58:4)

This scripture is really comforting. I sure feel like I have definitely gone through "much tribulation," so I'm definitely excited for what the Lord promised in this scripture and I know it's true. I know that the Lord will bless me if I hold to the gospel and the truth during my trials.

Blessings are an amazing thing. Even in hard times I can look all around me and see the blessings that I and my family have. A few examples?

Being surrounded by an amazing family. I'm really lucky that all of my married siblings still live in Cedar City, so I get to see them frequently.

This little guy. Because I'm home, I get to help babysit and play with him once a week when we have him over for "Grandma Morning"

The fact that I ran a half marathon when I did- it's always been one of my goals, and with my fibula removed, it's going to be a little harder to run another one now (but not impossible!!)

The fact that I live in the great state of Utah, only four hours away from Hunstman Cancer Institute, one of the best cancer facilities in the WORLD

The fact that I can give service- this is from a trip to Mexico I went on in June of last year

1- My physical health and that I am not as limited with physical activity as I could possibly be
2- With my recent surgeries, I consider it a blessing that I am still able to do funny faces, I'm not kidding- they're the best!

The fact that I can always have a good time with my friends no matter where we are- Disneyland or dances! I look back to dances as some of the most memorable times in high school
Along with these "big" blessings, I'm also grateful for the "small" blessings I have.
  • I can get out of bed every day by myself (seriously)
  • I can eat, maybe not as fast as before, but it gives me a chance to savor my food more :)
  • I have a nice warm house to spend every day in
  • Making the right choice, following the promptings to go to SUU
    • I still lived at home and was close to my parents when first diagnosed with this relapse
    • I can continue while "finishing up" surgeries
    • Many more, which I have not yet come to realize
  • I was really bummed when I found out that I didn't get chosen as a Presidential Ambassador for SUU. I seriously thought I would get it, but I would've had to quit for this semester while I'm not in school
  • The friends I've made that have helped me and showed me that I really do have lots of reasons to be happy
  • The people I run into everyday- I truly believe these are not coincidences
Life is full of blessings. And also, blessings will come. No matter how small. I know that the trials I've had in my life are not AT ALL fun, enjoyable, or something I want to do again, but you know what? The blessings make it all worth it. I'm not glad that I had cancer. But I am glad that I have this blog to write down my thoughts and that my words, attitude, and perspective can help me, but also many others. I cannot even begin to describe how my testimony of the gospel has changed since I graduated from high school. I know that the Lord has a plan for me and that no matter what happens, it will bless me, my family, or maybe someone I don't know in ways that I may not even realize.
Blessings have come, blessings are coming, and blessings WILL come. All I need to do is to hold to the Lord.
Until next time, keep running!

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