Wednesday, August 7, 2024

My Greatest Race


Erik Gray's journals

written by Erik 2011, a school paper


People always seem to remember a ‘first’ in their lifetime, whether it was their first time riding a bike, their first time driving a car, their first day at school, or even their first kiss. Sometimes it’s a vague memory, and sometimes it’s crystal clear. Nonetheless, it is something that you will never forget. One thing that I remember very clearly is the day of my best 400 meter race.

It started out like any other day. I crawled out of bed like a sloth, dragged myself to school, and after a long school day, I headed to the bus for the meet. Throughout the bus ride, I was a little nervous for my race, but not as much as I soon would become. As the bus pulled into the Dixie High parking lot, I remember thinking, Dang! It’s hot! Our team headed to the shade and we all rested up for our races.

            “First call for the Varsity Boys 400 meter…” I faintly heard the announcer declare.  My race is after that, I thought, It’s coming closer! Knots filled my stomach; I felt as nervous as a cat in a cage of dogs! “First call: JV boys, 400 meter!” was what we all heard the announcer say. “Let’s go warm up!” I called to my friend who was also running the same race as I.

            Our warm-up happened speedily! While watching the varsity runners sprint their event, I thought: It’s right after this! I finished warming-up and headed for the starting line.

            After being assigned to our lanes, the official said, “On your marks!” I jumped once to loosen my legs one last time. I positioned my legs on the starting blocks and adjusted my hands. “Get set.” I was ready. I leaned my body. Boom! screamed the gun. I ran! I remember running next to my friend, who was a little ahead of me on the second of four stretches of the 400 meter track. As I round the third stretch, the curve, I passed my friend. I recall feeling very tired, but honestly- would I really stop at this point? No! I pushed and struggled to the finish line, coming in at third place. I felt as accomplished as I ever had before.

            I was very anxious to see my time, but after a LONG while of waiting, my dad went to converse with the officials of the meet. They explained: “We got behind on timing races, so we skipped the time of the JV boys 400!” You’ve got to be kidding me. I was furious! My best race, and there was no official time!

            I left to talk to my coach. He said, “After watching your race, Erik, it looks like you got about a 58 or 57!” (seconds, that is)

            “Yes!” I exclaimed. This time was better than my last race by about 4 seconds (I only ran the 400 meter twice during my freshman year). Even though it wasn’t as fast as the others on the team, it was good enough for me! I tried my best, and it showed in how the race turned out.

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