Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Blessings of Holding to the Rod


Erik Gray's journals

Written by Erik, March 2013

Stake Conference talk- March 17, 2013- Blessings of holding to the rod


·         Joke about being on TV

·         Tell my story, update on how I’m doing, etc.



·         Story of the tree of life

·         What it represents, the tree and fruit is eternal life, great and spacious building is the pride of the world, river is depths of hell, and the iron rod is the word of god

·         The Iron Rod, Hymns no. 274

3          And when temptation’s pow’r is nigh,

Our pathway clouded o’er

Upon the rod we can rely,

And heaven’s aid implore

            4          And, hand o’er hand, the rod along,

                        Through each succeeding day

                        With earnest prayer and hopeful song,

                        We’ll still pursue our way

            5          Afar we see the golden rest

                        To which the rod will guide

                        Where, with the angels bright and blest,

                        Forever we’ll abide.

CHORUS          Hold to the rod, the iron rod;

                        ‘Tis strong, and bright, and true.

                        The iron rod is the word of God;

                        ‘Twill safely guide us through.

·         Personal experience about how the rod has blessed my life- reading the scriptures daily



·         Praying

·         Reading scriptures

·         Paying attention in church

·         YSA Stake Theme: Galations 6:7-9



·         “If you hold to the rod, you can feel your way forward with the gift of the Holy Ghost. … Grasp the iron rod, and do not let go. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, you can feel your way through life.” –Boyd K. Packer

·         You will gain the right perspective that your life needs to have- personal story

·         Holding to the rod, especially during trials, will not define you, but refine you

·         Look up!

·         Progression- I have felt progression in my life, especially through these last surgeries

·         Blessings of:

o   Temple

o   Priesthood

o   Family

o   Friends

o   Mission

§  At 18 yrs old, Sid Going was a rugby player, and a shoe-in for New Zealand’s national rugby team. However, he decided to serve a mission before playing rugby.

§  When he came home, he became one of the greatest halfbacks in the All-Blacks league

§  Training and games would be scheduled around Sunday so that Sid could play

§  The Queen of England even recognized him

§  “The blessing of bringing others into the gospel far outweighs anything you will ever sacrifice.”

o   Having the spirit to be with us

·         We are never alone:

o   Cancer diagnosis- life was going good last fall

o   Feeling of peace during the half marathon

o   Read Footprints in the sand POEM

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