Friday, September 7, 2018

Gotta Milk It!

Erik Gray's journals
written in December 2016

Okay. So August 1st… easy enough day to remember. I had my port surgery that morning, all my stuff was packed in LaFawnDuh the Honda. Dad drove me home in the truck while Mom drove my car with all my stuff. We stopped at the Payson Temple to get up for a minute and stretch on our way home. But then we got home. And the best part about this cancer stuff and my situation is that I didn’t have to unpack any of my stuff. ;) Hehehe I just sat down and watched them unload. The week before I had told Jenna D and Isabel T about this and that my parents would be unloading everything, and they told me to milk it and film it. So I did. I filmed them bringing in a box and I said, “Right there, packmule.” GOTTA MILK IT. WHO WOULD I BE IF I DIDN’T MILK THE CANCER CARD OR HAVE SOME FUN ALONG THE WAY!?!? Not Erik, for sure. ;) Hehehe. But I really really did appreciate having them there. That’s what I’ve noticed since day one of cancer seven years ago…. FAMILY IS EVERYTHING and I would be so lost or suck or sad or not… without my family.

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