Friday, September 30, 2016

It's Surgery Time

My lung has been filling up with fluid since I started with chemo. Well, technically, its between my lung and the chest cavity wall, like the picture shows.

I'm getting a lot better at anatomy, now. :]

Because it keeps filling up with fluid, I'm having a surgery on Monday Oct 3rd where they will fix this.

Again, taken from my the family blog. Good writing, Mom:

"Erik has his pleurodesis surgery scheduled for Monday in St. George.  We met with Dr. Bowles and feel comfortable with his knowledge and genuine care. This will be a good thing.  Because of the nature of how this technique works, Erik will get to stay in the St. George hospital for about 4 days.  He will have a drain attached to the pleural space in his lung.  The first day will probably be his worst because of the larger size of breathing tube that they will use during the surgery. Always causes a dry throat.  The rest of the days will be rough in the sense that he'll be in the hospital rather than being in the comforts of home.  :)  Good thing for Netflix, laptops and social media! 

He started his Immunotherapy on Wednesday and received his Xgeva shot (to help with bones).  It was a fast Infusion Treatment appointment.  We were in and out in an hour and a half!  So far, so good on side effects.  He's felt achey and a little yuck... but not as much as he felt when he had chemo.  There is bone pain in spots and again... Lortab and a heating pad are good remedies.  And Claritan for Xgeva side effects." (Blog link here)

Keep running.

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