Monday, December 1, 2014

Treatment Week 3


Boo yah.

So this week, the week of December 1st, marks week #4. Last week was good. I wasn't feeling good on Monday, Tuesday, and part of Wednesday. The rest of the week went well. I was really grateful that I felt good enough to eat Thanksgiving. 

Some notes from this week:
  1. I'm a planner. I've been trying to figure out what days are my bad days, but it's been different every week. Week one was Wednesday and Thursday. Week two was Thursday and Saturday. Week three was Monday, Tuesday, and a little of Wednesday.
  2. This sucks. It really, truly does. But on the other hand, I know that the Lord's hand is in everything. I am watched over so much, sometimes I don't realize.
  3. You all are amazing. I'm grateful for the love that has been shown to me. THANK YOU.
  4. I am truly grateful. Grateful that I have hair. Grateful that my chemo does isn't crazy high. Truthfully, I'm okay. This is easier than I thought it would be.
  5. You might remember my last radiation course, almost five years ago. It really effected my neck and throat. A couple weeks into it, I went on a liquid diet because it hurt so bad to get anything else down. That was one of my biggest worries this time. But having just passed over the hill, I'm halfway, I wonder.... I honestly think I'll be able to eat anything I want the whole time. What a blessing.
  6. I thought I knew a lot. But really, I've learned a lot MORE about trials. It's at the rough times that truly test our faith. It's when we are at a breaking point that we truly gain/strengthen/realize the testimony that we have. THIS right now is one of my biggest challenges.
  7. A bad attitude is not going to fix anything. If anything, it will make things worse. If I had a bad attitude, it doesn't change the fact that I have cancer. It only makes it harder on me, my family, and all those around me. So you're welcome. :D

How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was great. Thanksgiving dinner was great. We had all my siblings out here (which isn't too great a miracle because they all live in Cedar City anyway). I really enjoyed every part about this weekend. We honestly didn't do too much, but we did spend time together. What a blessing.

Happy DECEMBER (Whoa. Already?)
Keep running.

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