Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hey! Guess What?

So guess what? I'm a missionary. Yup, it happened. For those of you who are uninformed, or just want to hear the whole story, here's how it went down.

Back in the spring, I knew that I wanted to serve a service mission. What exactly is that? Well, in simplest terms, part-time glorified volunteered work. I started the process with my Young Single Adult (YSA) ward Bishop and Stake President. With a service mission, you basically get to choose in which capacity you serve.

After months of meeting with my Bishop and Stake President, who deserve a HUGE thank you, everything had been set. I found out a week from last Sunday, July 6th. I am to be a temple worker in the St. George temple!

I will be down there 5 days a week- every day except Sunday and Tuesday, which is my Preparation day. I will be doing something different each day, which includes working in the cafeteria, grounds, baptistry, and being a patron for the "upstairs" ordinances. Once I am more familiar with those ordinances, I can eventually have the opportunity to be an official ordinance worker.

YAHOOO!!!! Right? The scariest thing about all of this is how fast is has come together. On July 6th, I had no idea when I would be called, when I would start, all of that information. I met with my Stake President that afternoon, and found out that my call would be coming in a few days in the mail, my set apart date would be the 15th, and my start date would be the 18th. I talked with my home ward Bishop to schedule a time for my farewell, which was the 13th, only a week away.


If you did the math from that last paragraph, you realize that right now? Yes, I am officially a church service missionary. As of yesterday. As this isn't a full-time mission, my rules are a little different.

1) I will still be living at home. I am able to keep up with my health concerns if they come up, and able to maintain doctors checkups. I'll see my family everyday. Like I said- part-time gloried volunteer work. A full-time mission with a rigorous schedule might be too much for me to handle. With my mission, I am able to completely take care of my body, which is the most important thing for someone who has been through what I have, while still being able to serve! Thanks for watching out for me, Heavenly Father.

2) I will still be attending my YSA ward. I am excited to still be in the ward I have spent the last year in and be around some friends I have known and love. The only difference is this year, I won't be hanging out as often as I did last year.

3) As for dates? Nope. Friends, I can still do a little bit with. Not crazy adventures, but maybe some lunches or hikes here
and there, as long as it doesn't interfere with my call as a church service missionary and maintains an environment worthy enough for the Spirit to be in.

4) I can still watch TV and movies and go on the computer, but it is suggested that I only do those things that invite the Spirit to stay with me. So, I'm giving up "regular" music, all of the action movies, etc. I said goodbye to my Instagram and Twitter for the next year. As for Facebook, I won't be browsing my News Feed or getting on the site nearly as much. I've decided to post quotes and good things on there. And of course, links to this blog.

5) The normal missionary rights weekly to his parents and family, and any others that write him. Right now, I can tell you that I'm still working on this one. I don't know if I will send an email out, or just post once a week in that regard on this blog. Whatever I decide, I would love to still maintain this blog. It's been such a blessing for me to write down my experiences, especially to look back on in the future.


I'm glad I am able to serve. I never thought I would serve in a capacity like this, but let me tell you, I am just downright excited. Thank you for all your kind words, support, and love you've shown me as I have gotten ready to serve this mission.

I won't really say goodbye. More like, see ya around?

I'm excited for my part-time glorified volunteer work! That's really what it is- glorified. The temple is an amazing place to serve. Stop by sometime!

Keep running!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you!! and happy and proud. You are going to do such a good job!
