For me, being an almost-20-year-old seems like a pretty good accomplishment. For those readers out there who are youthfully challenged, you might not think so. I may just be some young kid. And just for you... I saw this picture and thought it was super funny.
But honestly, think about it. The age you are right now? That's a milestone. No matter if you are 50, 34, 80, or 11. Life is full of milestones, some good and some bad. We should celebrate the good and respect the bad.
My milestones:
- 4 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer
- A year and a half ago I graduated high school
- When I
- walked for the first time
- rode a bike for the first time
- talked for the first time
- traveled across the country without Mom and Dad
- went outside the United States
- moved out on my own
In the eyes of someone whose perspective has changed due to cancer as a teenager: EVERY DAY is a milestone. Every day that I open up my eyes and look out of my window at the sunny world, it's an accomplishment. Every time I show up to work and make a guest's stay at the hotel that much better, it's worth it.
In the eyes of someone who is writing a blog post that you are currently reading, I say to you: Celebrate your life. It's full of milestones and full of good days! Your life is full of accomplishments, so celebrate good times! (Come on!)
Keep running!
Happy birthday Erik. Thanks for the perspective and inspiration. You are amazing!