Monday, July 29, 2013

There's A Reason

Things happen for a reason. We might not know it now, or ever, but God knows what He's doing. Watch this video by the Mormon Channel, from a series called "The District." It shows a little bit more into what missionaries do. (if you don't want to watch the whole thing, start at 13:37 to about 15:04)

Elder Hepworth, one of the missionaries shown in the series, has cancer. His cancer was a different kind than mine, and required chemotherapy, which mine didn't. But his trials are similar to the ones I had. I've been worn out by treatments. I've asked Heavenly Father for help. I want to be normal, I don't know why I have cancer. I second the feeling, like he said, when Elder Hepworth said that he knew Heavenly Father was there and that no matter what happens, it's going to be okay.

This next video is a really good message, that everyone should watch.
I love it when she says that she looked at her trials with the word "curse." But now, she looks at it with the word "blessing." That's exactly how I feel. Sometimes I feel that I am just "cursed," but when I look at my life, I look at people telling me how I am helping them, and I look at the change I've made from 3 and 1/2 years ago, I know I am "blessed."
So, yes, I believe there's a reason for everything. We might not know it now, tomorrow, next year, or ever, but it doesn't matter. Heavenly Father is in charge, and He knows what He's doing!
Keep running.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear the good news that you are cancer free. Good luck and have fun with the apartment living. You are such an amazing inspiration to us all with your positive and upbeat attitude. You are awesome!
    Cheryl Savage
