Having cancer is something that I'm going to have to deal with for quite a while, and the effects for probably the rest of my life. I don't mean that I'm going to be sick for a long time. In fact, I don't even plan on it. What I mean is with checkups, scans, and doctors visits, it's always something that I will think of or worry about in the back of my mind.
And you know what? That's kind of a scary thought. But I'm okay with it, because here are some things I know that makes my life better:
- Because of my family, I don't have to face it alone. I have a family, an AMAZING family. No matter what, they are always there, through thick and thin, and whenever I need someone! Throughout the years, no matter where life takes us, I'll always have the support and love of my family.
- Because of my Savior, I don't have to face it alone. I also lean on my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that He suffered for our sins, our sadness, our grief, and every pain we have and will ever feel. So when you say, "No one knows how I feel"... Think again. I never have to face anything alone. Because I am never alone.
- Heavenly Father really does have a plan for me. I know I've said this about a billion times, but I know this to be true. Heavenly Father knows what is in store for me. It may not be what we want, but after it happens, I'll be glad and grateful that it happened.
- Every trial I go through will strengthen and bless me, if I endure it faithfully. I've already seen blessings come about from having cancer. The most I'm most grateful for is that I've had a chance to slow down, take a look at my life and where I want to be, and strengthen my testimony and really get to know my Savior and my Heavenly Father.
- I'm given my trials because I can handle them. We are told that we are not given trials and temptations that we can't handle. (a good scripture to read is this, 1 Cor. 10:13)
- Prayer is a real thing. I honestly love to pray. If you pray faithfully and lovingly, it is just like talking on the phone to your dad. It's a two-way communication, only if you really sincerely pray.
- The scriptures are AMAZING. I've really enjoyed reading, truly reading, and truly loving and enjoying every word out of the Book of Mormon. I get something amazing out of it every time I open it up.
- I am a child of God, and I am loved. I can only imagine how hard it must be to watch the earth and see all the heartache, sadness and pain that Heavenly Father sees us go through. But because He loves us, he wants us to grow and eventually become like Him.
- Miracles still happen. No doubt. I see it all around and even in my life every day.
- Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. This is a quote from the late President Gordon B. Hinckley. In all you do, don't just "get through" today. Make today count.
- Learn from the past. Learn from the things you've done and grow from it.
- Prepare for the future. Don't just hope that everything will fall into place. God helps us after all we can do. Not after we do nothing.
- Live in the present. This is one I sometimes struggle with. Sometimes I take too much time planning ahead, but really I should be enjoying the moment.
- There's no one better than YOU. There is only one Erik Gray. There is only one (insert your name here). Don't try to be someone else. Be you, and that's the best thing you can do for yourself.
I hope you've enjoyed listening, well... reading, through what makes my life better, and that they can help you! And a lot of what makes life better comes from my beliefs as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So PLEASE, don't be afraid to ask me questions (look on the Contact Me page), or to go to LDS.org or Mormon.org.
Keep running!
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