Erik Gray's Letters
From a friend. (One of many!)
Finding out that treatment was stopping and that
he had a few months was the worst night. I hadn’t cried that much or been that
sad..I don’t think ever.
I texted him
and he said, “Life Sucks, but God is SO
Still in awe over his optimism, faith, and unshakeable trust in God and
Christ. Erik Gray changed my life. Just like he changed so many. He touched
more lives and did more good in 23 years than most people do in 80!!!!
Erik told me once, “I’m only nice to people so that I have a
good turn out at my funeral. And I only do this much family history so that I
have a welcome party on the other side.”
Hahahah well I think it worked!
is one of the friendliest and best people I’ve ever known.
I miss him a lot.
He is one of my best and closest friends.
A little bit ago
he told me that when I get married he’s going to try to be at my sealing,
because I’m like his pineview sister, That meant a lot to me. I miss him and
getting used to not talking to him everyday has been really really really hard.
I always want to send him funny things I find. I miss hearing about Piano Guys
concerts, or his next big temple road trip and how stoked he is or how he's
feeling, or his latest scripture thought.
Erik always built others, and me, up.
I never felt anything but Special and happy when I talked to him. He helped me
see all the good in myself and In the world. :) I miss laughing at dumb jokes
together and seeing his funny creative snapchats everyday, and our late night
gospel discussions.
It’s hard not having
him a phone call away. But I know he’s doing so much good right now, and I know
he’s loving it.