Erik Gray's Journals
Written by Erik
On a job application, May 2015
I live in Cedar City, Utah, as the fourth of five kids.
am a cancer survivor
and choose to make every day great!
and choose to make every day great!
I have a passion for
music and running.
Because of my experiences with cancer and student
leadership, I know that people look at me constantly.
I have made an effort to
post uplifting pictures, quotes, and status'.
Two years ago, I started a blog
to write down all my cancer experiences and how they and the gospel have
ultimately blessed my life.
I've seen my blog reach many different parts of the
country, as well as many countries around the world. I have come to understand
that technology is a strong aspect of life today; what I put on my Facebook
page matters.
There is so much that can come from the internet, whether it be
good or bad. By posting uplifting material on
my blog and social media pages,
I choose good;
and by choosing good,
I choose good;
and by choosing good,
I choose God.