Friday, March 7, 2025

"Christ The Redeemer" statue, Brazil

Erik Gray's journals
Written by Erik, February 4, 2017

Okay something cool from today... I am amazed at how perfect my choosing of Piano Guys posters turned out. 

I bought a poster before the concert. It's called "Wonders" and includes the Great Wall of China, as well as the giant "Christ the Redeemer" statue in Rio de Janeiro, and also a beautiful waterfall from Brazil. 

I didn't think too much of it until today... when I realized that that was my favorite song explanation and testimony that they shared: at the concert last night, Steven Sharp Nelson explained that for their song 

"The Mission/How Great Thou Art" they filmed at both "Christ the Redeemer" and the waterfall... 

and they talked about how it was amazing and beautiful to film at both... but it was MORE amazing and felt more beautiful and peaceful to film at the Waterfall. 

Steven said, "It felt amazing to be at 'Christ the Redeemer' because it was man's gift to God to show how much we love him. However, it was MORE amazing to be at the Waterfall because it was God's gift to show much He loves US." 

Yeah..... so amazing. What a great testimony.

And I have the poster that I will think of that everytime I see it!!! 

Like I said, I bought the poster before the concert so I had no idea of Steven's testimony. :) 

TENDER MERCY. Thanks, God. 😊😊😊😊😊😃😃😃😃😃😃

Friday, February 7, 2025

Why he journaled

Erik Gray's journals
written by Erik

January 28, 2017     That's all for my journaling tonight! Glad I'm doing this, I don't want these insights to be forgotten. Especially because these insights and these feelings I've felt are SO real, and there is no way I can deny the truthfulness of the gospel the Savior, everything about the gospel. Goodnight, journal. SOO glad I'm writing down my thoughts. :)                                                   

February 6, 2017     When we went to the hospital today, I just had a strong feeling (like I did months ago) that I need to finish catching up my journal- and soon. So I worked on my journal some more tonight. I'm catching up slowly... about at the end of August now... and also grateful that I'm currently writing. These current ones I'm writing in my phone and I'll add in once I finally get my journal all the way caught up. But yeah, I feel like my journal is my #1 priority now. Dad gave me a blessing tonight. Just that I could he comforted, that we DO have the faith to be healed if it's God's will, that we also know God's will is best. I felt a peaceful feeling from it and feel that I'm gonna be okay. :D also, to not worry about the family when my time to pass comes. They'll be okay. :) God is in charge. Goodnight journal, that's all for tonight.


(Erik’s family helped him accomplish his goal of finishing his journal on February 9th at 8:30pm. He celebrated with ice cream, of course.  He passed away early the next morning.)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025



Erik Gray's journals

collage picture created by Erik 2014

Happy Heavenly Birthday to you Erik!

31 years ago you came into our family and blessed us 
with your energy, love for others and testimony of Jesus Christ. 
Miss and love you. 
Until we meet again....